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Valentine Neighbor Gifts

Ok, this post might, at first glance, make it look like we have it together at our house.

But the truth is, January is natoriously horrible for us (and this is coming from a glass half full kinda girl) and this year we got the stomach flu not once but twice that started in December and went thru the good part of January and we ended the month with several of us having a really nasty cold/cough. So, I am more than a little excited to be rid of January. See ya!

But upon further inspection you will realize we don't have it together at all and are turning what was supposed to be CHRISTMAS neighbor gifts, yes Christmas 2017, into Valentine's neighbor gifts.

I love this neighbor gift because it is fun, simple, cheap and you can reuse this idea for almost any holiday or occasion. Just poppin' in to say... Happy St. Paddy's Day, or Happy Easter, or Happy Flag Day, or Happy Pioneer Day, or Happy Independence Day, or Happy Back to School Enjoy Your Break from Your Kids Day. You get the point. It works for whatever you need.

Side Note: I'm slightly obsessed with popcorn. As in it is at the bottom of the food pyramid for me, meaning the largest group and the foundation of my food pyramid. My favorite is Orville Redenbacher's Simply Salt or Tender Whites... Sooooooo yummy!

I have included this cute free printable gift tag. You can dress it up with cardstock or keep it simple as is.

To purchase your Redbox codes you can go directly to and order them online. They will send the codes to your email inbox and you can print them on each gift tag.

Happy February! Enjoy this neighbor gift idea and tell me other ideas you've used and loved (even if it was meant for a holiday last year and just never made it out the door)!

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